A little "About Me"

Welcome to my blog! My name is Beth, and I try as much as possible to be an open book to those around me. I believe that experiences shape who we are and who we will become, not just our own experiences but those of others as well. In true community we share our experiences in hopes others can either enjoy them with us or learn from them. This is how I chose to share mine and I hope you can enjoy life with my family and I and learn from our experiences!

(Here's my facebook bio.. it pretty much says it all perfectly!)
My dreams have come true. All my life I wanted to be a wife and a mother and I couldn't have imagined it would be this great. My sweet girls are the *twinkle* in my eyes and being a Momma of 2 has been nothing but fun!! My best friend and counterpart is my husband and without him I am not me. I can't wait to be free with him. Free to dream, free to travel, free to be the family we are meant to be and impact a multitude of people with Love. He has fulfilled all of my dreams and then some. We continue to dream big, for our family, for each other, as well as for ourselves. We are always moving forward, and try not to look back, all the while enjoying the now.

I am an aspiring Doula. I can't wait to start my training. Until then I'm enjoying the opportunity to be there for my friends. I have read a lot and continue to research about pregnancy, birth and babies... its my passion as well as a "calling"... I have finally found my niche and I am happy to share what I can with any, and everyone. So ask me questions, give your experience, or lets just exchange knowledge!

I truly believe that the type of birth a baby experiences shapes their life and that peaceful births make peaceful babies, which in turn makes for peaceful, less stressed, adults. I think that every woman can have a positive birth experience and that every woman should be proud of her birth and the process she took to get through it.