Monday, September 21, 2009


Do you ever think of something to blog about when there's no possible way you could stop what you're doing and blog about it? Example, the car?? I do this ALLLL The Time! I think i would be a lot more interesting if i had time to stop, pull the car over and write out what I'm thinking about. Oh well I guess I'll stick to making up Facebook Status' in my head :)
Beth is going to have a cookie ;)
Beth is going to catch up on some tv shows and maybe take a nap
Beth is happy
Beth is tired of making up status' :oP

Here are my stats:

Current craving- Mac-n-Cheese!

Current Annoyance- missing old friends, wish I could just hang out with every one i know, all the time!

Current task at hand- Teaching little miss to go to sleep on her own :oP

Current Favorite- Fall!! And the new Yankee Candle Fragrance: Fall Festival mixed with Spiced Pumpkin... My house smells Delicious!

Current excitement- My mother in law coming to visit this weekend!

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