Man oh Man... I appologize for my lack of blogness. Its been a busy time! Any free time we've had we've tried to focus on our little family and its growth and development (or my sanity). Our little bean is growing and has now turned into our little Anabelle Ruth. Thats right folks, We are having a hamburger.. I mean a girl ;) And we couldn't be more excited! Although, we'd have been just as excited if it was a boy. We've recently been thinking of how to decorate the new room and the new nececities that we didn't know of when we had C. First on my list is a Baby Wrap. I asked for one like this for Christmas:

And I also just finished a registry @ http://www.diaperjunction.com/ here: http://www.diaperjunction.com/giftregistry_home.asp?action=view&id=6476 The password is Ruth. It was super fun to make! Lots of diaper fun! One thing we are trying is one-size dipes.. hopefully they'll last all the way through to potty training time. Oh gosh! I found the COOOOOLEST stroller too! Check it out! http://www.cottonbabies.com/product_info.php?cPath=109&products_id=2012 Seriously AWESOME! Too bad its lie $800... oh well I'll see it in my dreams. One thing I'm looking forward to stocking up on is Babylegs! Soooo cute! They're pretty easy to make too. I just can't wait to have this new little thing all swaddled up and snuggled in with us! I've been thinking of trying these out : http://www.thegoodmama.com/ but they need covers and i just dont want to cover them up. Maybe i just need to research a little more into them because they are SOOOOO cute!! OH! I think we've decided on colors for the room.. The walls are already and very light and pale yellow, like a butter color. So we're going to add in some dark brown like a chocolate color and then like a Lilac or Lavender color and maybe a pink in there too. I can't wait to find or make bedding to match! We're going to buy the furniture used bc I keep seeing set on cragslist for pretty cheap. When I was looking for things at Target i found my breast pump, which I thought was discontinued. I'm super excited about this because I've tried looking for replacement parts for it before with no luck, so now that they're selling it again I should be able to find the parts pretty easily. I'm so anxious for everything to be done... I feel like I'm "nesting" but its entirely too early for such things. Oh well, I'm just ready for the new baby girl to spoil!! :)
And on top of all that excitement, its Christmas time!!! We definitely love the holiday season. Along with decorating and giving gifts and the stress of it all, comes family! So far we've gotten into a routine of going to Eric's family for Thanksgiving and staying home for Christmas. I really like this set up because I like being able to be at home and have an intimate setting for our little family to open present in. Last year (and we're planning on the same thing again this year) We had my Dad and Brother up here on Christmas eve for a big dinner and presents, then on Christmas morning we go in and get the kiddo up for her presents from Santa and our gifts to each other. When we finish at home we travel down to Nashville and make the rounds, usually to Murfreesboro to see extended family in a large gathering then to Mt. Juliet for Christmas with my Mom. This year is going to be fun because it wont be so much around gifts, the economy has hit hard around here. I'm looking forward to really seeing family and not having to focus on the opening of gifts, it'll mostly be focused on the little ones. I'm pumped bc I got some great deals on fun stuff for them on Black Friday!! I'm actually in the middle of the floor, surrounded by presents right now! haha In the middle of wrapping all of them. Even though I scored some sweet deals on some presents I'm still working on making a bunch of them too. I'm working on some afghans and wine bottle oil lamps. The time is passing quickly so I really need to kick that stuff in gear so we can be sending stuff out soon!! While I was wrapping presents tonight, I came across one we got for Charlotte, I had planned on getting her a Tinkerbell blanket and we ordered this one online. I was measuring out the Tinkerbell paper around this boxed blanket when I notice a layout of the blanket on the top of the box... ITS A SNUGGIE! Yes, we got her a Tinkerbell SNUGGIE! hahaha I was so suprised that I hadn't noticed it when i ordered it! Anyway, that made me laugh. :) Now I really have to get back to wrapping and crochetting... but I promise to be a better blogger.. next blog to come: a few of my favorite blogs to read :) If you check out the colomn on the left you'll notice I've added quite a few blogs under the "My Favorite Blogs" section... they are fabulous! Most of them are crafty and pretty but they are full of character and a good laugh every now and then. :)
(as E would say) Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease!
(as E would say) Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease!
Merry Christmas
From the Wehmeyers!
From the Wehmeyers!
Awww, I'm on your blog list! :) I am so excited for you and your new baby girl! I love the light yellow and brown duo! And that Christmas family picture is soooo cute!
Please blog more! :) I mean, no pressure or anything :) I can only imagine how busy your life must be!
and... Yes ma'am ;)
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