Eric and I took a little road trip this weekend and as fun as it sounds.. at 27 weeks pregnant and with a 2 year old... it was a tough one. But we worked a little fun into the mix while we were in the car. We tend to be very silly when we're driving, be it listening to music and singing together or just talking about random things.
One of the topics we touched on was nudity. I made the statement "The world would be a better place if everyone walked around naked." Eric knowing full and well that men are not that attractive when naked, asked what I meant so I went deeper.
Here's my theory:
Because nudity is not all its cracked up to be in the magazines and movies, I think the world would be a better place if everyone walked around naked and it was completely acceptable for people to do so. I think that celebrities would not be famous if we saw them naked all the time, flaws and all. teens wouldn't jump into bed with each other because there'd be no mystery left to discover. People are just not that pretty naked unless you love them. For example, I love my husband I enjoy seeing him naked, it doesn't mean that I enjoy his chest hair, armpits and hairy legs, It means that I look past the flaws and embrace him as whole. I would not be so inclined to see my neighbor's hairiness and think its attractive... Eww, I'd vomit actually. I think that people would be less inclined to be so secretive about sex and their desires if every one was naked, all the time. Every one would be at their most vulnerable state, all the time, and it would be accepted. We'd be a transparent world. One where secrets were unleashed because you have nothing to lose and status meant nothing because everyone is just as naked, hairy and ugly as you. Now don't take that the wrong way, I think the human body is a beautiful and amazing thing in all forms, as long as it's REAL. I like reality and all that it brings with it, the nitty gritty if you will. Weather its scars from child birth or a hairy tush... its real and I like it.
Now on the flip side of this, there would be some complications accompanying this life style... for instance I personally don't like the idea of nakedly sitting where someone else's naked rear has been (what f they don't know how to properly wipe themselves, or have some sort of spreadable disease down there). So I think we'd have to all carry around a little pillow to sit on, or perhaps seats would all come with those disposable seat covers that come in public bathrooms. (I asked E what he though about that and he said, "I'd just wear pants") Also, the sun exposure, we'd all have to become much better sunscreen appliers.
Eric often comes home with stories of how he plays sports with his teammates and when they play shirts vs. skins it can get pretty gross, haha. This would be another problem with the nakedness. A scenario Eric presented was, playing basketball and jumping up to make a shot and hitting someone in the face with his.. cough cough.. you know. Football wouldn't be such a 'contact sport', actually contact sports in general would probably become less appealing, haha.
So there you have it, I really could go on and on about this topic, but I think for now that's it. There are pros and cons and its probably completely unrealistic. I just can't turn down the idea Utopian society one day :)
Haha I literally laughed out loud when I read this... How do you come up with this? haha A nudey world would be weird... LOL
You hippie :P
You know, when God created Adam and Eve, they were naked and without shame. It wasn't until sin came into the picture that clothes were thought of. I believe that when we get to heaven we will have the pleasure of running around totally nude. And, since we will be in our perfect bodies, we won't have to worry about things like sweat, hairy butts, and people who can't properly wipe.
I'm right there with ya on wanting to run around naked. One of my greatest moments of the day is when I get home from work and take off my bra. It is a wonderful freeing moment. I can't wait for the day when I don't have to put one on at all!
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