In light of the "Holiday of Love and Pinkness".. aka Valentines Day, I thought I'd post today about the story of how I met E!
Its actually more inspired by http://racheldenbow.blogspot.com/ <--- That blog along with a my friend's blog post that was just totally sweet. She was uplifting her hubby because she is so proud of his most recent accomplishment and of their lives and all he does for her and her son.. *sigh* so sweet to read of happy couples! :)
So anyway... let me take you back.. waaaay back...
All the way back to February, 2005. I was a lonely girl that had just moved home from college, working at a telemarketing job that was SOOOOO not my thing. To say the least, I was lost in the sauce! I was barely 20 years old and trying to figure out what life had in store for me because after my 2 years in college and having multiple failed relationships with boys that were just not in the same place as me, i was pretty fed up with it all and ready for something new. Not looking (but always secretly hoping) for a guy, I was trying to focus on myself and my future. ( if you know me even a little you know what a crock that is because at no point in my life have I ever wanted anything else than to be a wifey and a momma).
Anyway, early February I got a call from a my friend up in Clarksville saying there was someone who needed a volunteer to lead his youth group girls at a 'Disciple Now' retreat up in Kentucky just over the Tn state line. I was NOT interested in hanging out with a bunch of 13 years old girls for a weekend in the back woods of Kentucky, (whats that movie where they 'squeal like a pig'?) But I obliged anyway.. I went up to visit my friend and get the info for the retreat from her friend. When I met the pastor, he introduced me to the guy that would be leading his youth group boys for the weekend... I was no longer dreading this. WHEW! What a hunk! ;) I actually thought he was dating a friend of my friend (not the case at all BTW). So the weekend drew nearer and I got anxious.. my bff Chels reminded me over and over to NOT think about him or anything that could happen. It was tough!! Finally Feb. 25 arrived and I packed up my desk early on that Friday to drive from Brentwood to Hopkinsville... Ugh. I made it there to this little tiny church literally in the middle of no where and started to walk to the door, it swung open and the these young teenage boys popped out with a big welcome followed by.. HIM.. (*YESSS* doing a private white girl happy dance inside) They all took me up to the room where we'd be meeting and we sat and chatted and bantered with the kiddos.. I could tell this was going to not only be a fun weekend but oh so very interesting! We were teaching them "The Five Love Languages for Teens"... So not only was I going to be spending an entire weekend with this hottie, I was going to be talking deeply about Love and relationships the whole time!! WORD TO YOUR MOTHER! :D
The details of the weekend are pretty blurry but the last night is as clear as day. We were having our last little get together out in an open field with a huge bonfire. I remember they started it with gasoline.. haha.. Eric had to hack at the ground with an axe to keep the massive fire from burning down the field around us... I wont lie, it was so incredibly hot to watch him with an axe.. to this day it totally turns me on when he cuts wood. haha As the pastor talked about each of us having one thing in our lives that was holding us back from falling totally in love with Christ and living life fully for others, I instantly knew what it was in my life. He asked each of us to write down on a piece of paper what it was and then, when we were ready to let it go, throw it into the fire and give it to God. I wrote down on my paper my idea of marriage and my constant need to look for the 'one'. The hottie was sitting next to me, quietly strumming his guitar *bonus points* and I just couldn't let go of this paper. With this man sitting next to me that I felt so strongly for, it was next to impossible, but as if sensing my hesitation he caught my gaze and winked to let me know it was ok. With confidence I got up and threw this folded paper into the flames. As I did, it caught fire and flew into the air, turned to ash, and rained back down in tiny glowing dust balls. WOW.. that was friggin' schweet! I knew it was just going to get cooler from there. After we sent the kids to their rooms to go to sleep the three of us (pastor, E and I) found our selves spending hours talking about life and love and expectations of our futures. It was scintillating and even though I can't recall a single word... (i was busy looking at this man in front of me) I knew it was going somewhere. We left that weekend with new friends and a lot of memories and *Buttercups* to take along with us. I got an email from E the following Monday.. and Tuesday he came down to my town to see me with our pastor friend. We ate dinner at my friends house and then watched a movie... I had both guys on either side of me and little did i know they were waiting to see which one of them I'd lean towards... hehe cute. Needless to say E and I ended up holding hands the entire movie. :)
Wednesday I drove up to Clarksville to see him and after church he took my friend Chelsie (who was there for moral support) and I on a drive to "talk".. he explained his feelings for me in detail, he talked about his life, a little of where he came from, and what his future held. Then he asked what I was thinking and how I felt about what he'd said... I think I stuttered a few times until Chels poked me or something and then I managed to stammer out something like... "Uhhh Yeah, I agree" haha, I was so blown away by his honesty and forwardness about his feelings and what he thought of a relationship and about his life. I think I could have married him right there! After the drive Chels and I started home and realized he had left his backpack in my trunk (I still had my Escort of Loooove then and I'm pretty sure that's why he fell in love with me) :) So we found our way to his little house and he came out to get the bag. He gave me a hug and as much as I tried to make it last.. he literally took me by the shoulders and pushed me back... little did i know this would be a trend in our dating relationship...
The following Saturday was our first official date :) We took a picnic of quesadilias and salsa to the Bicentennial Mall downtown and then we walked around just talking and enjoying the spring :) It was perfect! He drove back to Clarksville afterwards and then we realized we hadn't taken any pictures! SOOO He was considering driving back down to see me that night after he went to a movie with some friends but got delayed because of a fatal accident they witnessed. So being "worried" about him and his friends I drove up to see him :) We stayed up late talking and hanging out with his friends and then we sat in the car and talked! ~I've still never met another man that will talk to me as much as he does and enjoys it!~ We decided we were a couple as in boyfriend and girlfriend and then we talked about boundaries... and levels... and kissing... let me tell you this boy was a prude :oP He started out talking about how cool it would be that if we were meant to be married that we waited until our wedding day to kiss for the first time... all the while I'm nodding my and head thinking "ummm that's not going to work for me..." Soon after he said that we kissed for the first time :) it was almost 3 in the a.m. but it was perfect!! :)
Wednesday I drove up to Clarksville to see him and after church he took my friend Chelsie (who was there for moral support) and I on a drive to "talk".. he explained his feelings for me in detail, he talked about his life, a little of where he came from, and what his future held. Then he asked what I was thinking and how I felt about what he'd said... I think I stuttered a few times until Chels poked me or something and then I managed to stammer out something like... "Uhhh Yeah, I agree" haha, I was so blown away by his honesty and forwardness about his feelings and what he thought of a relationship and about his life. I think I could have married him right there! After the drive Chels and I started home and realized he had left his backpack in my trunk (I still had my Escort of Loooove then and I'm pretty sure that's why he fell in love with me) :) So we found our way to his little house and he came out to get the bag. He gave me a hug and as much as I tried to make it last.. he literally took me by the shoulders and pushed me back... little did i know this would be a trend in our dating relationship...
The following Saturday was our first official date :) We took a picnic of quesadilias and salsa to the Bicentennial Mall downtown and then we walked around just talking and enjoying the spring :) It was perfect! He drove back to Clarksville afterwards and then we realized we hadn't taken any pictures! SOOO He was considering driving back down to see me that night after he went to a movie with some friends but got delayed because of a fatal accident they witnessed. So being "worried" about him and his friends I drove up to see him :) We stayed up late talking and hanging out with his friends and then we sat in the car and talked! ~I've still never met another man that will talk to me as much as he does and enjoys it!~ We decided we were a couple as in boyfriend and girlfriend and then we talked about boundaries... and levels... and kissing... let me tell you this boy was a prude :oP He started out talking about how cool it would be that if we were meant to be married that we waited until our wedding day to kiss for the first time... all the while I'm nodding my and head thinking "ummm that's not going to work for me..." Soon after he said that we kissed for the first time :) it was almost 3 in the a.m. but it was perfect!! :)
From then on we were inseparable and the next month he said he loved me, in May he took me to Kansas to meet his family... I fell in love with them too :) And on June 11 he proposed.. I said yeah.. sure.. why not... ;) We got married on September 4th of 2005 and have continued to grow with each other through life lessons (like spending over a thousand dollars on 2 pots for example) and happy times and babies!
Almost five years ago I met the man of my dreams and since then he has continued to make my dreams come true. We've always said that we were not just soul mates but we are playmates, always able to laugh and have fun with each other! He spoils me in ways that I can't even describe and takes care of his family better than I could have ever hoped for. He is paving a future for us that will take us beyond even YOUR wildest dreams! I couldn't have asked for anyone better to share my life with.
I am still just a little girl that fell in love with a boy and we're playing house. :)
Very sweet, Beth. I am so glad you have a man that works so hard to make all of your dreams come true. And just imagine that if things are this good now... they will be UNBELIEVABLE in 20 years. What a beautiful life :)
What a sweet post Beth!
That is so sweet! Isn't it funny how when you meet that one person you just KNOW? and it doesn't take hardly any time at all! Thanks for sharing, that was a sweet post!!
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