Monday, November 01, 2010


Wow.. its really November already! Crazy! I think this is the first time I've ever said this but I'm SO glad October is gone! It was the busiest month EVER!! A little Recap:
First weekend= Little trip to Chelsey's Lake house and a Zoo day then of course the week is spent recovering from one night away :oP and getting ready for the next weekend's events
Second weekend= Peay Hollow Family Reunion in Goodlettsville :) My FAVORITE time of year! I seriously look forward to this all year! I would have to say "The Farm" as we call it, is one of my ALL TIME favorite places on earth. :) Really, its just a cluster of a few houses in the valley of a huge wooded hill. It's my Dad's side of the family and we always have a blast! They do a Huge bonfire on Friday night with Hot dogs & Smores. Back in the hay days  my uncle used to bring chicken and dove and quail he'd hunted and they'd cook up all kinds of good stuff (not that I was old enough to appreciate it then) and everybody would bring tents and campers and we'd camp out Friday night around the fire. On Saturday everyone comes back for lunch and all day ballgames and fun! This year they had the brilliant idea to rent a bouncy house for all the kiddos.. and a few of the "Big kids" like my brother... :) Someone always takes the "gator" up on the hill with a few kids in toe, and usually their parents have no idea and look for them frantically until they get back down haha. Anyway, it was super fun.
Saturday night we celebrated our good friends Cassie and Mike for their wedding the upcoming weekend! :) By the end of that day my girls were POOPED! Whew! So was I!! And again the week was spent recovering and preparing for our next trip..
Third weekend= Well.. you read about that previously...
Fourth weekend= Well The Thursday before was Charlotte's trip to the Pumpkin Patch with her school. AnaB went with them. It was super fun and I had been texting with E all day on Google Talk. He kept making leading comments hinting that he was coming home early, but I have learned to not trust anything like that until it actually happens so I blew it off and just figured he was being a guy. I got the girls home and got C down for her nap then was rocking the baby trying to get her to sleep when the doorbell rang...
Yep, Big Daddy E was home! He had a big bouquet of Balloons with Reece's taped to it haha. He said he couldn't find flowers so that's what he got. haha! He knows me well enough to know that the Reece's are better than anything else haha. I was totally surprised! It has been wonderful and busy having him home! We went to Chattanooga that weekend for my cousin's Wedding and then last week we were just busy busy busy! And of course this last weekend was Halloween! We had two parties on Saturday and did some pictures on Sunday along with Trick or Treating! We had lots of fun, except poor baby A has a super snotty nose and hasn't been feeling her best. :(
I can't wait to see the pictures Ashley took! I think she got the only Family picture of us in our Halloween costumes too! haha Eric and I went last minute and picked out a matching couples costume... Prison Guard and inmate... haha I was the inmate.. it was a little more risque' than I like but I doctored it up with a tank underneath and some leggings :) I refuse to be the "skanky mom" haha I'm under no illusion that I can pull of those sexy costumes.. But it was fun :)
And Now it is November and We're gearing up for more busy busy busy! :oP Hope everyone had a good October!
Here's to November, Turkeys, pies, holidays, family time, and Christmas music!! :)

1 comment:

Tracey VanSickle said...

Sound like a crazy, stressful, exciting, fun, busy month you had!

I was a pumpkin for Halloween and totally had to wear a tshirt and leggings under it so I wouldn't be the skanky mom either. haha