Monday, September 07, 2009

Caution: graphic descriptions

Sunday was a roller coaster of life, it was the the twirly part where you are pretty sure your safety harness is going to break and you're going to die for sure. Yep, that was it.

Saturday night I got up several times though out the night to pee, and the last time was around 3:30. Charlotte woke up so I got up to check on her and went to the bathroom right before going into her room. I wasn't flushing bc the bathroom is in our bedroom, and I didn't want to wake up E (he hadn't slept in like 36 hours). Nothing felt different, but when E came in to wake us up Sunday morning, he said do we need to talk about the toilet? I'm thinking, "what, its just pee! and i didn't flush so YOU could sleep" He took me to the table and sat me down, then he pulled out this cup. It was red and there was something in there. It looked like a blob of goo. I immediately knew what it was. He said he found that in the toilet and he thought the same thing i did. I continued to bleed and spot through out the night, so we thought it was over and we'd lost out little bean. We went to my clinic bc i haven't found a midwife, or gone to the clinic on post yet, but they sent us to the ER. We got there at about 2:30 and got checked in and sat down and waited.. and waited.. and waited. Of course that was the day Charlotte decides to poop 4 TIMES! and I only brought ONE extra diaper... Ugh! So they called us back to a room finally and got me ready for a pelvic exam but it took FOREVER for them to come in and do anything. (meanwhile E had to run over to the PX to get more diapers!) They drew blood and then said I couldn't eat anything...BUMMER! E had gotten me a dark chocolate bar at the PX... Then they finally did the pelvic exam and said "Yep, things look a little open so it definitely came from there".. I'm thinking "WHERE ELSE WOULD IT HAVE COME FROM!!!!???" The Er doc seemed like a total fruit cake, he had no clue about anything regarding pregnancy or even GYN stuff.
They did the internal ultrasound and found a heartbeat.(whew!) She showed it to me on the screen and that was the biggest relief. We waited for forever for someone to come and give us an answer as to what was happening. They said they were waiting on the results form the ultrasound... I'm pretty sure the heartbeat was result enough for me... Anyway, The idiot Dr. said he'd put in a referral to OB for this week (lie), and he put me on 'pelvic rest' with out really explaining it to me. He really didn't seem to think this was a severe situation, at least not as severe as it felt to me. He told us the glob was just a clot, Although, to us, it looked like a sac with a cord. We left the ER at 8.. AHH!! yeah we were there from 2:30 to 8! Ridiculous. We stopped for food then went home and went to bed.

I took it easy on Labor day.. I guess that's the point of the day anyway.. Continuing to spot and bleed a little. We all went to some friends house last night for a BBQ and for some reason I didn't sit very much, so when we left my back was getting sore and right when we got to the car I got that 'oh crap' feeling. You know, the one where you start your period and you think 'oh crap' Well anyway, we got home and I had passed a small clot and had more bleeding that was red instead of the spotty brown color. We got up this morning and went to the Ob clinic and got in after waiting for an hour. The Dr, did another Ultrasound and said as of today it all looked good. Little bean measured right at 8 weeks and we could see the little heart just pumping away. The idea that I could have been carrying multiples and lost one of them was tossed in there and that makes me sad. I'd LOVE to have a couple of little crazies running around! After having the Tosi boys here, and missing them so much now. :oP But at least I have my little bean still growing and looking so strong. The Doc said to take it easy, and explained pelvic rest a little better.. basically.. nothing in there ;) (bummer) and no heavy lifting or jogging or long walks or anything strenuous. Just go about daily life without anything crazy. Sounds good to me! I have another appointment in a couple weeks where hopefully I'll be able to get some testing done for a couple of genetic disorders that we recently discovered in our family. And I'll be able to check out how they do things around here, regarding midwives and all that.
Tonight we're going to dinner to discuss what lies ahead in the next few weeks. E has training that will take him away for a couple of weeks and we have to decided if we need to put that off, with our current situation.
So here's my current Stats:

Current craving- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.. can't get enough!

Current Annoyance- Army

Current task at hand- keeping little bean safe and sound in the belly
Current Favorite- CSI reruns

Current excitement- equally: seeing little bean heartbeat and hearing from a friend via myspace

Next step- fill my water bottle and do the hot dog dance with Mickey mouse and Charlotte Rose.
Here's the little bean


Rebekah Lynne said...

hey beth! sounds like a scary few days, i'm glad that the heartbeat seems strong and nothing terribly wrong, i'll be praying for you and eric and c that everything stays good!

Erika said...

bleeding durinf pregancy is soo scary! we experienced it while we were prego w K at 6weeks while we were in Honduras! It was a rollercoaster for us but tnk God she was ok and by week 9 they finally knew why I was bleeding so heavily for 3 weeks straight and continued until week 12. Basically when the egg was rolling implated it self it also made some scar tissue in the uterus and casued a large blood clot that was slowly draining. It was the hardest 6 weeks of my life!

Heather said...

I am glad the check-up went better then the E.R. visit!
We Love You:)