Friday, September 11, 2009

Kitty Toes

We're considering moving on-post. E is all for it i think but I am a little more hesitant. I don't like our house but I am comfortable here. I know how to take care of things here and If we moved I would miss my neighbors too much! Moving on post is a toss up. You never know what kind of house you'll get stuck in. We also don't know how long its going to take to get rid of this house and we'd have to wait until E's deployment next year to do it so we'd have the deployment $$ to still pay our mortgage until the thing sells. I'm also nervous about what kind of neighbors we'd get stuck next to, that's a big concern of mine. I want nice neighbors if i have to see them all the time. And another thing is that I wouldn't be able to have people over all the time, which is one of the biggest things that got me through the last deployment. All in all... we're still discussing it. So we'll see i guess.

Baby bean is doing wonderfully, bleeding has almost completely gone away. I've been taking it easy this week, to the max. Charlotte has been so good about it. She listens when i tell her to or not to do something (mostly) and since she's like me she's pretty laid back and go with the flow. :) She's getting so big and so understanding. There are of course time when she doesn't want to do what we say but for the most part she's pretty compliant. She's making up her own little games and playing independently more. She LOVES playing with her little kitchen. And the girl would sit and listen to anyone read for hours! She loves books! She has her favorites of course and can quote them almost all the way through. I don't think i could have imagined a family this great! Growing up and thinking about my future kids, I never in a million years knew it could be this wonderful! Anyway, enough mushy stuff!

I've missed interaction lately. When E was gone I saw my friends at least 3 times throughout the week and weekend, usually more. And not that I don't LOVE him being home but I do miss getting the time to hang out and go out with the girls or whatever it was. I used to have people over here all the time. And I don't think anyone has been to our house in over a month!! Ugh! So I'll be planning a get together asap! E leaves this weekend for a little bit of training and then comes home at the end of the week and I'm supposed to be going to Gatlinburg with my mom next week sometime (YAY!). I am really looking forward to getting out of the house! Although I wish it was the beach, I suppose the mountains will do. :)

Ok well here's the Current status:

Current craving- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.. STILL can't get enough!

Current Annoyance- sleepiness

Current task at hand- finding a recipe for some kind of yummy dip for my chips

Current Favorite- The new Nicholas Sparks book (finished it last night!!)

Current excitement- eating my PB&J on the Elmo and Big Bird plate that C handed me :)

Next step- take a nap and then give the cat a bath

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