Hmm.. The kind of person I want to be, one who accepts others for who they are, where they've come from, and where they're going. I want to be a person who wears her heart on her sleeves so people always know that I love them, (I'm not always the best at showing it). I'd like to be someone, who is always open to new ideas but still rooted in what I know to be truth. I'm always working to be the kind of person that can give advice and not care if its taken or disregarded (that's tough for me). I want to always have an open home and an open heart to people in need, whether its an ear they need or a million dollars, I want to give it to them. I want to be the kind of mom that gives her kids reassurance and confidence so they grow to make good life decisions. I want to make the mistakes so others (and my kids) don't have to. I want to be the one to bear the brunt of some things because I know its the right thing to shield weaker individuals. I want to be the kind of wife that listens first to her husband and then responds to the needs of our family. I want to be the kind of friend that when time or distance separates a relationship no matter what, is always there for you. I want to be the kind of person people will one day say, "Yeah, that Beth girl, She was really something!"
Those are just a few things I strive for in my life. My life is a work in progress and I know I'll never be perfect but I also know I'll never stop trying to be better than the day before.
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