Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Valentine

I remember the first time I met Eric. We were briefly introduced at a church function because we were going to be leading a youth group at a deciple now retreat in a few weeks. After the church thing every one went to my friend Jenna's dorm room. At the time I thought he was dating one of Jenna's friends so I pretended not to notice him too much. That was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. It was impossible not to notice him and I could just feel him drawing me in. It was around this time of year and everyone was talking about their Valentine plans... Or "Singles Awareness Day" as we so immaturely put it. Haha The girl I thought he was dating was sitting next to him all googley-eyed and ever so obvious about her attraction/ infatuation with him, while I sat with Jenna in a chair across the room. I was playing it cool and not paying attention to what the "kids" were doing. (I Was in what would have been my second year of college and these kids were staring their second semester, so I was so clearly more mature than they were.. Blah blah blah, high and mighty :P yep that was me!) Anyways, I would catch his eye for a split second every now and then. I don't remember many more details of that particular night, except that I told the girl way to go for snagging such a catch! And I remember the feeling of electricity in the room whenever I thought about him and the way he looked at me. When we actually met a few weeks after that first encounter, I was SO nervous. I remember packing for the weekend wondering what was appropriate to wear with pre-teen/teenagers that would still be cute enough to get me noticed ;) I remember exactly what I wore to work that day, mostly because Eric talks about this particular pair of brown pants as if they were made to fit my form perfectly and just for his eyes haha. He says that's the first thing he noticed about me.. My booty (not the cat.. He met her the next weekend) ;)
It's so funny how much physical attraction plays a part in relationships. There has to be something chemical to it as well. I remember being connected on some level that was out of my control. Or maybe that just how my mind analyses the feelings from my perspective now.:)
All I know is that everything I have ever wanted for my life has come from that first encounter 6 years ago, when I tried to ignore the cute guy on the couch that I thought was dating someone else. And I'm so glad he wasn't.
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Tracey VanSickle said...

I always thought that you guys had been together much longer than 6 years now! Greg and I have also now been together as an official couple for about 6 years, married 3 1/2 :) You and I are lucky ladies to have met our matches so early in life.

jennaelayne said...

:o) i am very happy you guys met!!!!!!!! jenna

jennaelayne said...

(it was all a part of my master plan!)