Thursday, August 02, 2012

Day 2: 20 Facts

These are always the hardest for me... 20 whole facts about just me?? I don't know if I know myself that well anymore to think of 20 facts. Well here it goes anyway
  1. My full name is Elizabeth Camille Wehmeyer
  2. I just lied, I still haven't changed my last name to Wehmeyer, legally it's still Browne... 
  3. I procrastinate a LOT of things.. see above for proof. 
  4. I have three little girls, Charlotte(almost5), Anabelle(2), and Ruby(2months)
  5. I've been married for 7 years.
  6. I've lived in a house for 5 years that I've been trying to move out of for 4 years. 
  7. I LOVE technology and always want the latest and greatest phone, computer, tablet, etc...
  8. I also LOVE buying new bags/purses :)
  9. I hate working out and anything that goes with it, but I try to do it anyway. I like crossfit ONLY because it is over fast and produces great results. 
  10. I am kind of crafty in an eclectic way. My craftiness isn't always the cutest but I like it because its never perfect. 
  11. I love nursing. :)
  12. My favorite movies are Steel Magnolias, Hope Floats, Fried Green Tomatoes, Mean Girls, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, and Dirty Dancing.
  13. My favorite books are by Nicholas Sparks.
  14. I'm also a twilight Mom... not one with the t shirts or posters and I don't have a "team" but I enjoyed the books and the movies. 
  15. I dislike cleaning and can't wait to hire a cleaning lady.
  16. I wish I could have a pair of Toms for every outfit. 
  17. I miss writing letters, like real letters on pretty stationary. Anytime I think about it I always think of Greece when Sandy has pink stationary and drops it into the kiddie pool. 
  18. Dolly Parton is one of my favorite people.
  19. Amy Grant is my best friend, she just doesn't know it yet. :) 
  20. I spent almost the entire day yesterday folding laundry. It literally covered my entire couch... and now there are another 5 loads waiting to be washed dried folded and put away... yippee...
So there are my 20 facts. It wasn't as hard as I thought. :) See ya on day 3! 

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