Friday, August 03, 2012

Day 3: Favorite Quote

So, I mentioned one of my favorite movies was Steel Magnolias, in yesterday's post. It also has one of my favorite quotes. In the movie Shelby is severely diabetic and was told she shouldn't have kids. She's telling her momma that she is pregnant and that she wants her mom to be happy for her instead of worrying about it. She begs for her support and says "I'd rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special." :) That's exactly how I feel about my girls. I wouldn't trade a minute of the frustrations or hard times or any of it. I've been blessed with 5 years of wonderful with them and I try my hardest not to take it for granted.

Another quote I love is from Dolly Parton. she says, "I refuse to settle for something less than great... all I want is everything, is that too much to ask??" I think this one just describes me to a T. :) My husband has always told me that he appreciates my high standards and that I don't settle for less than what I deserve.

1 comment:

Tracey VanSickle said...

Ahhh this is so one of my fav quotes too. That makes me cry every time it happens in the movie.