Saturday, August 04, 2012

Day 4: fears

What am I afraid of??
A lot actually! I'm a big chicken. Scary movies, they are actually scary to me. I hate being at home when E is gone. I secretly think every house I sleep in is haunted. So every creak and little noise is a ghost or spirit coming to get me paranormal activity style.
when I was little like around ten or so I was at my fear peak... When I went to bed I was afraid my babies and dolls would get mad and come out to get me if I didn't put them away properly. I was convinced Freddy Kreuger lived under my bed, the monsters from Ernest scared stupid were waiting for me to turn over, a big hand was going to grab me and pull me under the bed (labyrinth style), and that ghosts were flying around my room and were going to pinch me if I went to sleep.
Whew! I guess you could call those silly childhood fears but they plagued me for years. Nowadays my fears run more on the realistic side (mostly). And I think they qualify more as insecurities on my part, things like my kids turning out as criminals or deadbeats in society, other what if like what if Eric died... What if he found some one better than me ( this one haunts me a lot because I kinda feel like I've lost my fun self from being consumed by mommy-ness), what if that car is following me... Haha that one makes me laugh but you know that feeling when a car is behind you and is making all the same turns you make and then one of you finally goes a different direction, ugh it gets me every time. Anyway... Those are my childhood fears and some of the adult fears I have. :) all very silly I know, but hey, we all have our quirks.

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